Published: November 12, 2015

Life isn't fair, but the law is. Fathers have rights!

As a father, you have the same parental rights as the mother of your child when it comes to divorce. The fact is, however, that neither parent's rights supersede the "best interest" of the child or children. Children need to have both parents equally involved in their lives.

While in the court of public opinion it is assumed that the mother always has the advantage, legally a father's rights are no different from the mother's. They are, however, more difficult to enforce. Dads involved in legal issues regarding children can expect scrutiny at every turn.  How often you change jobs, your housekeeping skills, the size and location of your residence, all become relevant issues. Be prepared, be forewarned and be well - informed. It is prudent that you seek and follow the advice of legal counsel.

Custody issues notwithstanding, you have a right to maintain a relationship with your child. In addition to an established visitation schedule, you will need to ascertain that you have input into the everyday decisions regarding the raising of your children. Without legal intervention, the mother may not ask for your input or value your opinion on issues such as after school activities, childcare providers, or religious upbringing. These things are important, and you should be a part of the decision-making process.

With rights comes responsibility. If the mother is the custodial parent you must provide consistent financial support to the children. The amount is   determined by the court and there are serious civil consequences for being non-compliant. There may be any number of reasons why one might fall behind on these mandated payments. Once things begin to get out of control the issue can take on a life of its own. This life can be ugly, and often is not fair. 

If you find yourself tangled up in the intricacies of wage garnishment, penalties, and financial hardship, for whatever reason, you need the expertise of an experienced father's rights attorney.

You have a right to insist on fair and equitable treatment under the law. Contact us for help - this is what we do best.