Maintain Father's Rights by Establishing a Healthy Relationship with Your Child
When it comes to child support, custody and visitation, you may feel that as the father, you don't have many rights. It's unfortunate that many divorcing dads feel this way, but it is important for you to understand that you have the right to see, communicate and be an active participant in the lives of your children. Mothers and father's rights are said to be equal under the law, but unfortunately, it's just harder to enforce and exercise a father's rights.
Father's who have not been found to present some type of threat to their children have the rights to establish and keep a relationship with their children as moms do. This includes visitation, frequent phone contact, and the involvement in making important decisions. These are all helpful in building and maintaining this important relationship.
One of the biggest factors that will determine whether or not a father is awarded joint custody is the degree in which both parents are able to work together in the best interest of the child. If you wish to maintain a consistent presence in your children's lives, you'll find it much easier if you reach out to the children's mother to build a trusting and lasting co-parenting relationship. This can greatly improve the overall chances of you having a major role in your child's life. As an added bonus, it is good for your children to have their father a notable presence in their lives.
For more information on father's rights and what you can do to maintain an active father/child relationship, contact us.