Raising And Lowering Child Support Payments
If you are having disagreements with the other parent about the amount of child support that is ordered to be paid, the judge may decide to order that a child support amount is paid that is more than the state guidelines. The judge can do this if he or she feels there is a reasonable cause to do so.
Here are some reasons why a judge may order one parent to pay more than the state requires:
Income Level
If the noncustodial parent is making a certain amount of income, this can be a good reason for the judge to order a higher child support amount. If the noncustodial parent also has additional properties, valuable assets, and receives other benefits from their employer, more child support could be ordered because of the number of assets he or she has.
Earning Potential
Sometimes people know they have the potential to earn a substantial amount of income but choose not to in order to avoid paying child support. A court could determine how much that parent could be making, especially if they have the experience, education, and training to work in a given field.
If the judge believes that a parent quit a job and took a less paying job to avoid making child support payments, that parent will be ordered to pay a certain amount based on earning potential.
The same way a judge can order more child support, he or she can also lower the child support payments based on different circumstances. If the noncustodial parent does make a significant amount of money and is ordered to pay a large amount, that amount could be reduced if it is more than what the child actually needs in terms of lifestyle and expenses. If the noncustodial parent cannot simply afford the amount that has been ordered, the court can have the payments reduced.
If you find yourself stuck in a difficult situation regarding child support and you need help, contact us today.