Published: November 30, -0001

What to Do If You Believe Your Spouse Has Hidden Assets

Concealing assets is an unethical and illegal activity, and a large number of spouses believe that they can conceal assets and get away with it. One of the biggest reasons why spouses believe that they can get away with it is because the other spouse is typically unaware of these assets within the marriage, and fails to take legal action to discover or identify hidden assets.

If you are a woman currently going through a divorce, be alert and look for clues that your spouse has hidden assets that he does not want to put up for division. This very often happens in many marriages in which the financial situation is very complex. A modern financial portfolio, for instance, could include not just a home, but also retirement plans, investment plans, pension plans, vacation rentals, bank accounts, and other assets.

In many marriages, one person will handle most of these financial matters, while the other will take a backseat. During the divorce, the spouse who takes the back seat is at a major disadvantage because she has very little information about the assets in the marriage.

There's one very clear red flag that you can use to identify whether your spouse is concealing assets. Get help from a divorce lawyer to make a complete analysis of your lifestyle. If you find that your monthly expenses are far higher than your known sources of income, then that could definitely be an indication that there are unknown sources of income funding your lifestyle that you know nothing about.

To understand more about how you can locate hidden assets, and safeguard your financial future, speak to a Los Angeles divorce lawyer.